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Eighty years after the coup of July 17, 1936

In recent years the addition of hundreds of thousands of youth and workers to political life has marked a decisive way. mass mobilization, the birth of the tides and the political expression of the movement proves it.
It is no coincidence that now, more than ever, the right has redoubled its attacks on Historical Memory. At a time when workers and youth looking for an alternative for which to fight and try to learn from the mistakes and successes of the past. At a time when all the heirs of Franco institutions have demonstrated the utter putrefaction. It is in these moments, when not skimp means to attack the memory of those who struggle to transform society.

Read more: Eighty years after the coup of July 17, 1936

Official Attribution Republicans Fighters 1936

As we have spent years claiming the Leret family fought in the civil war. Virgilio Leret Ruiz ended up shot, while his brothers and his father ended up in prison for opposing the 1936 military coup. While some people have tried to falsify history, Leret have achieved a small victory. Carlos Leret Ubeda, Republican colonel in charge of the CRIM nº1 Madrid (Center Recruitment, Training and Mobilization) and father of Virgilio Leret Ruiz, is recognized for fighting with the Republican side (we already knew this family, but an association expose publicly is always pleasant) fiercely attacking the lie exposed in the book "a woman in the War of Spain" about officer. We are pleased that the Collective Republican Basque association make this recognition supported with full documentation we have discussed in the blog and on this website. We realize that this list still missing (though they are in others) Gabriel and Carlos Leret Ruiz, brothers of Leret Virgilio Leret Ruiz. We report the link for anyone who wants access can find their relatives.
We will continue fighting for recognition, reparation and justice Leret whole entire family.