In recent yearstheaddition of hundredsof thousandsof youth and workersto political lifehas marked adecisiveway.mass mobilization,the birth ofthe tides andthe political expressionof the movementproves it. It is no coincidencethat now, morethan ever, theright hasredoubled itsattacks onHistorical Memory.Ata time whenworkers and youthlooking for an alternativefor which to fightand try tolearn from the mistakesand successesof the past.At a timewhen allthe heirsof Francoinstitutionshave demonstrated theutterputrefaction.It is inthesemoments, whennot skimpmeans to attackthe memory ofthose who struggleto transform society.
Given thisharmful situation, we regretthe attitude of someof the representativesof the City ofMadrid.The Madrid City Councilhastaken a pathofdifficult return.He distancesofthousands ofworkers and youth whosupport thechangeto endthe policies of thePP. CommissionerHistorical Memoryhas been the product,among other things,thefear ofright-wing media.Faced witha democraticcommittee formed byassociationsof Historical Memory,unions, parties, youth, workersand associations;It has imposedthe participation of memberswho do not knowthe subject,including a priest.Ownapproachesits president,FranciscaSauquillo,oppositetoremovethe Francosymbolismpervertsthe objectives of thecommission.
City Council's policy in this area is, in our view, the ultimate achievement of a series of errors that led to this situation. The discourse of "equality of the two sides," where are presented as equal to those who defended democracy and those who supported the coup, it has a practical basis. In defending this fictitious "equality" they ensure that those who supported the dictatorship and some of its companies as OHL and ACS; Republican hand who used slave labor during the war; They have the same interests as workers and young people who fought for democracy and whose descendants continue to struggle to transform society. This is how the council has refused to remunicipalise landscaping services, street cleaning and garbage collection, among others. Instead of improving the conditions of workers and achieve significant savings with better service; it folds to the interests of those who carry ruling this country from the dictatorship.
Is more necessary than ever to build on the momentum of the mobilization in the coming period and convening, in a unified and strong, a great mobilization in defense of Historical Memory. Historical Memory is also recognition of our past a right of all citizens to know our history. History will allow us to continue fighting for the present and future. The need to link this struggle to other given in Madrid is strictly necessary. Our thanks to all anonymous and known heroes who gave their lives for social change, and in particular the whole family Leret. Therefore, in the different proposals for change of name in the streets of Madrid we have made, the name of Virgilio Leret can not be disassociated from everything that made the family, including Carlos Leret Ubeda and his brothers, in defense of freedoms. Given the paralysis of the City of Madrid we have insisted and tried to merge with the Association of Historical Memory broad in order to push and get the change of names in the streets of Madrid movement. We appreciate all outreach and analysis that serve to keep the memory alive facing this and future generations. So we have done to disseminate and explain everything that happened in the family. The rigor and scientific analysis have been and will be the support of all our vindictive force.
Inthislinewereiteratecommitment andrigorin saying that thehandwrittendrawings andthe inventionmemorycopy"ContinuedReactionMototurbocompresor"VirgilioRuizLeretare safeguardedby the descendants ofGabrielRuizLeret.VirgilioGabrielgavethismanuscriptfor his contributionindevelopingmathematicalcopy. We conductedour researchto objectively analyzethe positionsand facts thatwere determinedbefore, duringand after thecivilwar.
Asit is incomprehensibleto have the nameofa repressorat an airport ina democratic country;we understand thatthe name of arevolutionary cannot be usedto show offan airportrun by aprivatized company.We have hadthe opportunity to participatein someof the protestsof workersagainst the privatization ofAENAandagainst the destruction oftheir conditions.We havealways tended,likeother workers,a hand thatwillnot be removed.Leretmemoryofthefamily, likemany other familieswho lost theirloved onesto fightfor freedom andsocial rights,iswith the workers.
Signed: Ascensión Leret Verdú y Manuel Rodríguez Leret